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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Tips For The Best-Looking Thighs of Your Life

I'm not going to promote anything unhealthy, but let's face it, the thighs are probably in the top 3 of problem areas listed by women.  Sometimes even with diet & exercise, women still have problems getting the "look" they desire, plus with age and genetics, cellulite and sagging skin are yet another issue we all have to eventually deal with.  Thankfully, with the the help of It Works I can help with those very issues.

Today I wanted to introduce you to the "Skinny Thigh Recipe".  Works like magic and it won't break the bank!  Below is the recipe and some before and after pictures.  Remember that Ultimate Body Applicators are the same things as "wraps" and you can find them by clicking HERE

Just cut the body wrap in half and put each half on her inner thighs.  Then secure them into place with the ItWorks Wrap Keeper or use saran wrap.

The most important thing you should be doing while you wrap is drink lots of water.  The wraps are designed to flush toxins out of your body and you need water to flush it. You technically are supposed to drink half your body weight in ounces of water.  Not only for our products but just for good health in general and a rule of thumb I always try to follow each day. 

When your time is up and you want to remove your wrap, there will be extra creamy gel left on your skin, it’s important to massage it in all over in circular motions.  Don’t wash it off, you want it to all absorb into your skin.  The product works from the outside in and works up to 72 hours from the time you took it off.  You can only wrap once every 72 hours.  So basically every four or five days.  I say once a week is good until you get where you want to be, then try to follow with good eating habits and a good exercise plan.  KEEP DRINKING WATER OVER THOSE 72 HOURS! Try to make this a habit everyday of your life and you will feel so much better.


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